Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I have cried in the following movies that other men will admit to crying in:

Braveheart: "freedom!"

Saving Private Ryan: "Earn This"

Big Fish: wept like a schoolgirl. Any man who has a good relationship with his father will cry in this movie. If you watched it and didn't cry, that means your dad never loved you. Maybe you shouldn't have been such a little bastard, eh?

Schindler: You can't not get a touch teary when they give him that ring. Bawlage.

I have also cried in the following movies that may suprise you:

Return of the King: "I can't carry that burden Mr. Frodo, But I can carry you!" I'd be lying if a little part of the reason that my boy Sam is named Sam wasn't that Samwise Gamgee is the greatest , most faithful friend in all of fiction.

Iron Giant: I really like that robot. Even though the movie has this absurd anti-military/government slant, it's soooo good.

The Green Mile: I read this book, and thought it phenomenal, so when I watched the movie (on a date) I got a little choked up in parts. My date wasn't impressed.

There's gotta be more, just can't think of them right now. Basically I will cry whenever the hero sacrifices himself for the good of another(s), and there is a strong score booming in the background. Make way for the waterworks. Any suggestions for other weepers I may be missing?


Anonymous said...

"Million Dollar Baby" - wept like a girl when Mr. Eastwood put that poor girl out of her misery.

Jon said...

true! Me ceuschle! *sob*

Rachel said...

If I remember correctly (which I do) you went to Green Mile with me, we went to St. Anthony Main theater, sat in the back and both cried like babies. So you can count that as a brother/sister date...and I was impressed, I'd never seen you cry like that. Oh, except for during Titanic.

Jon said...

really??? i didn't cry in titanic. No way. Or maybe I did.

I saw green mile with a girl who wasn't you here in Hawaii. THEN I went home, saw it again, and cried like a baby.

Liane and Kari said...

Are you forgetting It's a Wonderful Life? I get teary at an odd spot--the telephone kiss--which I rate right up there on the top of the "best film kiss" list. Jimmy Stewart's acting the trembling, tearful moment when he is completely torn between his longing to leave Bedford falls and his love for Mary. How about Gladiator? His walk thru the wheat field at the end...gotta love that one.