Saturday, March 15, 2008

2 down, 2 to go

Last week Friday we got the oldest boy a fish tank and four fish for his birthday. Two angelfish and two of these other things that reminded me of some great whiskered waterborne monstrosity that grows to 1700 lbs in the Amazon, but currently is still a harmless sardine.

I had made some comments to the bride when she purchased the fish that they were doomed, as we as a family have a knack for the unintentional murder of living things. We have killed every last plant in the house(some twice) the yard and landscaping is in rough shape, and we gave away my beloved dog because he was too much for two working student/parents. I reminded her of our track record as soon as I got home and saw her putting the tank together- she had bought it without letting me know because she knew what I would say.

"those fish are toast."

After getting home from my ride this morning I was looking in the fish tank, trying to locate fish #3 and #4, couldn't see them anywhere.

As I foresaw, she woke up Thursday morning to find two of our four birthday fish doing the backstroke along the top of the tank. She didn't tell me till today after I asked about 3 and 4, because she didn't want to hear my gloating over being right (thanks for reading my gloating, BTW)

The culprit du jour is our youngest, who as I've mentioned in earlier posts took to feeding the fish goldfish crackers, and in one instance, a tostito. But I don't really blame him, we've been killing things for a while. It's just us. We kill things. We have an aura that makes things die. We suck the life force out of all that is around us.

My parents were cursed with an inability to get people who RSVP'd to show up to their parties, and had terrible luck with used cars.

We are cursed with an aura of doom. The aura's not that bad, in comparison.

Best of luck, 1 & 2.

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