Friday, March 7, 2008

The Jon FAQ 1

Since so many of you have asked, I'll tell:

Sara asks: "Jon, what inspired you to start your own Blog?"

a: Sara, I go against the flow. I'm not really a run-with-the-pack kind of guy, I really am more of a wild loner. So when I saw that a couple of my friends who I want to impress had made cool blogs, I had to jump on that bandwagon and get me some of that wild action!

Shay asks: "Jon, tell us about your family life"

a: Shay, I'm a father of two and a husband (of one), am in the beginning of a promising career as a cubicle ranger, and enjoy the outdoors. Our family life typically consists of one family meal per week, beach on Sundays and the rest of the time trying to survive our middle class existence. I continue to lobby for a 30 Hour Day, which I feel would allow me to actually get something done.

Shaquondah Asks: "What do you like to do in your spare time?"

a: Shaquondah, If I admit that I actually have spare time, it will be taken from me and filled with various tasks. If I had such a thing, I would use it to play XBOX and take a nap.

Jacqui asks: "Jon, you have a unique blend of outright cockiness combined with self-effacing humor, it's like you want people to first dislike you, and then mock you... why? what's wrong with you"

a: Well, Jacqui, it all started when I was a kid and realized that I was pretty much awesomer than everyone, and continues to this day when I continue to be so out of this world intelligent and funny that I am the only one who gets my own humor, which, as mentioned, is truly awesome. Now, with this blog, my awesomeness is exposed to the world and surely some other truly awesome people will join me in my greatness. Recently, I was asked how I thought I could encourage people, and I replied that the best way I could think of was to stand upwind of them and hope some of my awesomeness sort of blows off of me and sticks to them, yknow, like pollen.

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