Nicholas and Sam were watching a movie in their room, I hear Sam scream "Don'TurnaOFF!!" Nichloas goes "I DIDN'T DO IT", and a general scuffle ensues. Bekah and I got a kick out of it...
I surprised the mini-mag lite equipped boys with some flash photography...
It was a pretty spectacular outage, pretty much the entire island went dark, to include the portion occupied by the president-elect.
Fortunately, we Laurions were prepared. The boys had gotten their own mini-mag lites in their stockings the day prior, and I had just gotten a new bike light with a gazillion candlepower LED prism dealie- uberbright. So we figured, heck, let's go see a movie in Kapolei, where there is power, and we'll go now while everyone else is confused and disoriented.
This wasn't such a great idea, because we had to drive through several stop lights that were now out. I hate to (publicly) generalize and to say negative things about people of a given background... but seriously people, if the light is out play it like it's a 4-way stop. This is like driving 101. It was a free-for all in Waipahu. People lose their minds when the lights go out- "the light's out... so I guess the smartest thing to do is barrel through every crowded intersection I find"... maybe because this is a rare occurrence here and something a Minnesotan is used to...
We made it to the theater and the box office is packed... with people trying to get refunds because they're shutting the theater down because the power is a bit flickery. Frustrating.
The good part about all of it was the boys fell asleep by 7:30 in all that driving and we just plopped them into bed and had a nice relaxing snooze.
Most of the lights and several TV's suddenly came on at about 2:45 AM- daddy got to take care of that.
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