Friday, December 26, 2008

Muderrific Mountain Biking

Took the M.T.B. out for some trail riding with John, Steve and his daughter Heather, Corey and Jim... Strap chickened out for fear of rain... for the record, there was none. Some mud, though!
Fun stuff.

Took a flat about an hour and a half into it- changing a flat on monster mud caked tires is far more interesting than doing it on a nice clean curbside on a nice clean road. I have no idea how much mud got inside this tire as I was changing it but probably a fair amount as it already has a slow leak again.
There are some great views and some great trails to explore in the hills above Waimanalo and Kailua, I'll be back soon!

1 comment:

Strap said...

i know...i suck. accuweather and noaa gave a doom and gloom forecast and current weather report.

weathermen suck.

on a positive note, i used that time to successfully diagnose that annoying click on my road bike.