Monday, December 22, 2008

Adventurous Tuesday

A suprisingly blogworthy tuesday.

Got in to work late-ish, although like Gandalf I never really am late, I arrive precisely when I mean to. Today i arrived precisely three minutes before a meeting I forgot about that was 10 minutes away, but I made it.

Then, I find out that that fellow HACCer Bronston Marshall, who rode his bike across the entire United States, was riding this morning on base, a couple of miles from where I was sitting, and got schmeered by a unseeing motorist, breaking his pelvis, bruising a hip, and turning his bike into several separate pieces of carbon scrap. So how's that, the guy crosses the entire continent safely and then gets nailed by some dude on a road he's ridden 300 times.

I got in a good ride of myself at lunchtime, stateriffic statitudes here. Windy and hilly, but a good ride and a good way to spend an hour and a half when you've got some major calorie consumption coming up.

This evening, I was getting the boys in the bed, and Bekah yells up that she needs the ant spray... ants are a pretty much accepted nuisance around here. They are really hard to control- we've tried everything and they still find a way. With a 2 and 5 year old, there always seems to be a crumb or scrap or half-eaten piece of squirreled away candy somewhere. I've documented my struggles with ants before (see here and here).

So her calling up for the ant spray was no biggie, but I heard her kind of yelp after a minute and went to investigate. She had followed the trail from the garbage can to the wall under the edge of the rug, leading right to the christmas tree. when she moved the presents and lifted the tree skirt it was like the floor was moving. THOUSANDS of them. MILLIONS probably. Blech. So she sprayed them all down, like a jillion of them died at once, several light years away a little ant Obi Wan had to suddenly sit down, and we started mopping them up. As we worked our way around the tree we moved it a bit to get around the tree stand and TIMBERRRRR!!! the tree falls directly. on. to. my. wife.

I hop up and pull it off of her and I'm all worried that at worst she's hurt and at best she's pissed, but she really just said she's fine. The real casualties were two red ball ornaments and the chili pepper one that my mom gave me in my salsa making days. :( She was fine though, had a good sense of humor about it and actually considered it a christmas adventure. Pretty cool chick!

We figured out that the ants were going nuts for the water that had dripped out of the little screw holes in the tree stand. It must have had some sap in it- a little sugar or something because they were going bonkers on it. We've never seen that many anywhere in the house, and hopefully we never will.



Strap said...

are you predicting that tuesday will be blogworthy? or have you confused your days.

good basic graphs from garmin connect, but a true graphologist prefers the color-coded multi-variate graphs.

Anonymous said...

No man is a true man until his Christmas tree, fully decorated does a faceplant. That yours did so upon your wife while combatting an infestation of sap-drunk Formicidae. Is a trifecta of Holiday fun.

Grandpa would have loved this story.

Love Dad