I've had a real love-hate relationship with my Garmin 405. Ever since I got it, it's been temperamental, always almost- but not quite- working properly. It has crap battery life, the touch-sensetive bezel is way too sensetive, and the options and the interface are laid out in a labyrinthian maze of similar-sounding words that take you to further menus that you didn't mean to get to. I've worn it on all my workouts this week but two of them are lost in the memory somewhere. It beeps all the time at random moments but I can't figure out how to make it beep when I hit each mile or lap or target heart rate or anything.
On the love side, it is small and light and svelte.
Also I apparently can sync it with Steve's 405... why I have no idea, perhaps so that my Garmin could know it's attached to a slower runner than Steve's garmin is attached to... I certainly don't need the further reminder.
HOWEVER... Garmin just made a big step in the right direction on the web page with the new player option though. you can check it out, go here and then click on the "player"option in the top right corner to view my lunchtime ride today.
Or here to see the replay of the parts of the Dick Evans race that the garmin decided to work during (it froze up around mile 50 and shut itself off around 75).
Runs work pretty good too, here's a moderately hilly hour run from a couple of months ago when I was running well and I wasn't hating the 405.
four in a row.
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