Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mail Fraud!

So I was super excited to receive my USA Triathlon summer news-magazine with the USA Triathlon team on the cover. Just in time for the Olympic races on Sun/Mon/Tues.

So I settle in to the comfiest of corners of my couch, and crack open the cover. Hmm... that's odd, the first page seems to be an ad for a small rotary engine... next page too. Pages after that are a table of contents for a model airplane enthusiast magazine.

I find this development to be odd. Then the cover falls off entirely in my hands. Realization dawns.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

Well, here's my message to you, oh "phantom thief of the meat of my periodical, who went to the trouble of replacing the interior of my magazine with dork plane monthly":

That is fraud, sir, mail fraud.
And it's a felony.
You will be hunted for the remainder of your days.

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