Thursday, February 25, 2010

.... and we're back!

that's right. 376 days since I wrote a blog post.

"Why?" you ask...

Would you believe that I didn't have much to say?

That's not really true. I said a lot, and a ton more has happened in these 376 days. I just said it on facebook mostly. But I want to bring the ol blogeroo back. Bring back the longwinded yammering that my mighty throng of readers miss so much.

Truth is, I was burned out. I was stressed, not everything in my life was perfect, and the last thing me or anyone else wanted was an extended look into my thoughts, feelings and blah blah blah...

But we're back, and we're better than ever.

Here's a brief rundown of the 376 days you missed.

Beach, Kindergarten Graduation, Chris out, Levi in, Racing, Ian, Honu, Beach, Pool, Utah, Racing, Hawaii Air Nat'l Guard, Furlough Fridays, Texas, Camping, Private School, Gaining weight, Refinance, Maximillian Flambaster, 30! Surprise! Australia! Surgery. Recovery, Pool, training again, blogging.

So now you're caught up.

Here's what I like right now, or at least the subset of things I like that you can click on:

Friends' blogs:

The internet:

I'll try to post again in less than 376 days.

1 comment:

Abraham said...


I'm subscribing to make sure I don't miss the next one.