1) I'm sore in odd places here in the beginning of this Tri season. I did a lot of legs in the gym on Monday and a little upper body, and now two days later my legs feel super and my chest and arms feel like they've been beaten with a 7-Iron. Combined with a sore throat, swimmer's ear and massive heartburn, I'm in an oddly irritable mood. Sorry everyone.
2) I've discovered Michael Swaim. This dude is funny, like Will Ferrell or Ryan Reynolds with a good writer. Here's his latest, below. He's got a bunch more videos here and here, it's rather blue humor but his delivery is fan-tastic.
Tech Support from Those Aren't Muskets! on Vimeo.
3) I'm pretty happy with how Mr. Obama is shaping up to be a pres-o-dent. Regardless of your thoughts a few months ago, everyone seems excited and energized by the guy and he wants to tackle some tough problems right out of the gate- something that G-Dub hasn't been able to do for years. I especially like talk of elimination of Pork inserts in bills and putting social security in check. I'm curious to see what Panetta does at CIA- if he even gets in, but I've met Admiral Blair and think he'll be a great DNI, he's keeping the highly capable (if USAF-critical) Gates as SECDEF, and former Marine Commandant Jim Jones as Nat'l Security Advisor. All middle of the road guys who are unlikely, IMHO, to play politics too much. But since I try to avoid politics and religion on here... I'll shut up now.
4) The blogging Clark to my Lewis, Strap, posted his annual roundup of beer ratings. He grades on quality combined with price per ounce- so you get an idea of what beers are both good and cheap. The whole thing is here, check it out.
5) I joined facebook two weeks ago, and have become moderately proficient. Facebook has resulted in one dinner with two high school pals already, gobs of money and fame can't be far now.
6) on a barefoot trip out to the garbage can, i narrowly missed stepping on this guy:
Thinking to myself "hey, sure am glad I didn't step on that"... I continued. Then I almost stepped on this guy:
HOLY CRAP THAT IS A SCORPION. I've seen one before, over at Bellows on a field exercise in the Marines. We caught one scorpion and two big centipedes and pit them in a fight to the death. THE SCORPION WON (but died a few hours later).
Gotta admit I was disappointed to meet this guy in my driveway. I thought he was dead, poked him with a stick, and he skittered off.
8) received this delightful annual account summary in the mail yesterday:
My IRA from my old job.. yowza. I guess everyone is getting these around now- condolences. Is that big negative number a deduction? Probably not.
9) I can read Failblog.org and best of craigslist all day long. Hours wasted here. It's my dream to be published there someday.
10) Bedtime.
1) Is that why you didn't show up for today's ride? I learned a valuable lesson today...don't eat a chocolate-filled malasada before a ride.
3) Wow! You complimented Obama! Never thought I'd see that...Obama, Apple computer....wanna drive my Prius?
4) Which one's the sidekick--Lewis or Clark?
1- No, Bekah had to take the car today and it was logistically impossible to have a bike, plus with "wingman day" all day tomorrow those few of us that actually have a lot of work to do had to do all of tomorrow's work today.
3- I'm apolitical. further explanation available in person.
4- Lewis and Clark were equals. Lewis was a better friend of the president, and started the expedition, but they were on equal footing the entire journey.
1) i got all the e-mails from yezzi about the wingman day...rough day, bowling.
all the sonya comments are from steve...problems of sharing a computer.
If you wanna waste more time check out:
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